Announcing Guest Access

Libraries can now setup guest access within their IP range perimeter and campus in order to provide one-click access to their electronic resources, which does not require user account registration or login

For more information, please get in touch with to know more

Announcing DDoS Mitigation Services

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the security in the services delivered through the DeepKnowledge Library Management Platform, we are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Arbor Networks, a leading internet security firm, in order to further strengthen our network and applications security

What is DDoS Mitigation?

DDos stands for Distributed Denial of Service, which is a technique malicious entities use to flood network infrastructure and target websites with a large amount of traffic distributed over a large amount of infected machines across the world in order to slow down access. The mitigation service we have put in place automatically detects these types of attacks and re-routes malicious traffic into different scrubbing networks, which enables the online services to remain online and unaffected

The following Diagram describes the extra 3 protection layers we have put in place recently

What are the benefits of DDoS Mitigation Services?

In today’s word and the current security context and landscape, protection against all types of attacks and intrusions is critically important for any online service, and we at DeepKnowledge consider security at the top of our priorities
Some of the immediate benefits of the enhanced security services are

Multi-layered protections
The network is secure with layered protections, from network wide packet scanning, through granular traffic analysis, down to server-level anomaly detection, for the most comprehensive protection against volumetric DDoS attacks, network and session layer attacks, DNS attacks, and more.

Avoid Downtime
The network is secure with layered protections, from network wide packet scanning, through granular traffic analysis, down to server-level anomaly detection, for the most comprehensive protection against volumetric DDoS attacks, network and session layer attacks, DNS attacks, and more.

Immediate Response
DDoS specialists we work with stay ahead of ongoing or imminent DDoS attacks with on-premises detection and 24x7x365 traffic monitoring to initiate mitigation measures and take the necessary actions when anomalous traffic is identified

What types of malicious traffic can be detected by this new service?

In technical terms, the following types of DDoS can be detected

CGI request, denial of capability, diluted low-rate degrading, direct, DNS request attack, high-rate, disruptive, hybrid attack, ICMP attack, isotropic attack traffic distribution, land attack, Xmas tree, mail bomb, non-isotropic attack traffic distribution, ping of death, reflector, TCP reset, TCP SYN flooding, TCP SYN-ACK, TCP URGPSH, TCP idle attack, CC attack, teardrop attack, HTTP GET floods, HTTP POST floods, SIP invite floods, UDP flooding, URL flood, LOIC and HOIC DNS/NTP/SSDP/RIPv1 and other reflection/amplification attacks, slow POST, varied rate, using regex filters

I need more information

Please contact our support team at and we will respond to all your questions